Artificial Hair
Here you will find synthetic materials for tying everything from pike flies to sandeel imitations. We have gathered all the best and most useful materials. At Nordic Anglers, we have assembled the absolute best selection of quality synthetic fibers from leading producers such as Hedron, Ep Fibers, H2O, and have spent a lot of time carefully selecting the right products that suit our local fishing and all the other fly types encountered by the traveling fly fisher. We have Big Fly Fiber for larger flies, Slinky, Steve Farrar, Crystal Flesh, Super Hair, Sculpting Flash Fiber, Ghost Hair, Fluoro Fiber, Craft Fur, Crystal Flesh, Andtron, Poly Yarn, and much more. At the same time, in many cases, we carry the full range of these products, and therefore, we have all the colors that are offered. At Nordic Anglers, it is possible to find precisely the materials you might ever need.