Soft Hackles
Metz soft hackles are excellent for Nordic conditions. They are suitably soft but still strong enough to provide the perfect hackles on tube flies. Additionally, Metz soft hackles come in exactly the right colors for both Danish and international conditions, but especially the yellow shades are well-suited for our local streams. This is a bag of mixed loose feathers, so unfortunately, not all feathers in the bag can be expected to be perfect for hackling.
This is an inexpensive way to acquire hackles, and we always recommend people to buy necks or saddles, as the quality and quantity of feathers are much better than bags of loose feathers. Moreover, necks or saddles have the advantage of providing feathers for various fly sizes. Here is a link to our soft hen necks/saddles, which are truly excellent:
<a href="">Soft Hen Saddles</a>
<a href="">Soft Rooster Necks</a>
<a href="">Soft Hackle Patches</a>