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Partridge Loose feathers - Olive
Agerhøne fjer er bløde og naturlige fjer, som bruges i nærmest alle flue typer.
Regular price
29,00 kr
Sale price
29,00 kr
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Partridge used for a very wide range of patterns and with good reason.
It is fine, soft feathers with a fine speckled pattern which has a natural color play in the water. Great for streamers, nymphs, and saltwater flies.
Partridge feathers come in bags of loose feathers in different sizes. If you use many partridge feathers, you should consider buying a whole bird. Here you get all the right feathers and lots of them.
Here is an instruction video for “The Stf Shrimp”using using Grizzly marabou
It is fine, soft feathers with a fine speckled pattern which has a natural color play in the water. Great for streamers, nymphs, and saltwater flies.
Partridge feathers come in bags of loose feathers in different sizes. If you use many partridge feathers, you should consider buying a whole bird. Here you get all the right feathers and lots of them.
Here is an instruction video for “The Stf Shrimp”using using Grizzly marabou
Nordic Anglers yder 2 års reklamationsret i henhold til købeloven ved omfattende mangler, der konstateres ved varens normale anvendelse. Reklamationsretten dækker ikke fejl, skader eller slitage, direkte eller indirekte opstået som følge af forkert betjening, ringe vedligeholdelse, vold eller uautoriserede indgreb. Reklamation over fejl og mangler skal meddeles Nordic Anglers indenfor rimelig tid efter, at fejlen eller manglen er opdaget eller burde være opdaget.
I forbindelse med reklamationssager afholder Nordic Anglers returneringsomkostninger i rimeligt omfang.
5/5 stjerner på Trustpilot