Based on 240+ reviews
Flashabou Magnum - Red
Perfekt flash til de store geddefluer.
Regular price
75,00 kr
Sale price
75,00 kr
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Leveringstid: 1-2 hverdage
This flash is twice as thick as Holographic Flashabou and a massive 52 cm long!
Holographic Flashabou is the best flash in the world for pike flies! Great range of vibrant colors, soft to work with and smooth flash in large packages. This flash looks like a million bucks in the water. Perfect for pike and other predatory fish with a love for all flies with flash.
This flash is just in every way wonderful, fantastic and it catches fish.
Holographic Flashabou is the best flash in the world for pike flies! Great range of vibrant colors, soft to work with and smooth flash in large packages. This flash looks like a million bucks in the water. Perfect for pike and other predatory fish with a love for all flies with flash.
This flash is just in every way wonderful, fantastic and it catches fish.
Nordic Anglers yder 2 års reklamationsret i henhold til købeloven ved omfattende mangler, der konstateres ved varens normale anvendelse. Reklamationsretten dækker ikke fejl, skader eller slitage, direkte eller indirekte opstået som følge af forkert betjening, ringe vedligeholdelse, vold eller uautoriserede indgreb. Reklamation over fejl og mangler skal meddeles Nordic Anglers indenfor rimelig tid efter, at fejlen eller manglen er opdaget eller burde være opdaget.
I forbindelse med reklamationssager afholder Nordic Anglers returneringsomkostninger i rimeligt omfang.
5/5 stjerner på Trustpilot